Monthly Archives

August 2017


Arni Weekend

This weekend I went to my hut in Arni. Initially I just wanted to do an easy hike to the “Sunny Ridge” but since my friend showed big interest in doing something more we switched to the iconic Ruchälplistock hike….


Pizzo Leone – Ticcino to the rescue

Sometimes things go as planed. Sometimes the plan doesn’t work out. And sometimes there is not even a plan and something spontaneous happens. I would say that my the last weekend had something of all those components but nevertheless or…


Via Alta della Val Carassino – Going South

Yeah, “Going South” was the key to success this weekend. The weather forecast for the north was kind of undecided with rain and other obstacles, so south was the direction. As I don’t have a good hiking guide for Ticcino…


1. August – How not to be lazy

I had plans! Good plans. Solid and proven plans for 1. August, the national holiday: Take it easy and get ready for the party in the evening.   Eventually I figured out that doing an e-a-s-y walk up to Pilatus would…
